Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Our Family Pictures ~ Dallas Child and Family Photographer

We had our family pictures taken a little over a week ago, and I just have to say family picture day is EXHAUSTING! One of my clients told me that she and her husband had fought more getting ready for family pictures than they had in their entire marriage. And honestly? I believe it!

Of course it seems like EVERYTHING went wrong. Cohen wouldn't nap, I didn't have enough time to do my hair, we forgot to take Halloween candy or anything to bribe Cohen with. Cohen of course wouldn't listen to a word we said once we got to the park and just wanted to run around and throw sticks and rocks in the water. Luckily we had a great photograper that was amazing with Cohen and could get him to do pretty much anything she wanted (I think I might need her to come live with us). And guess what...none of that shows up in the pictures!

Who knows if years from now we will remember that by the time we got home at 8:00 both Matt and I were completely worn out, both physically and mentally, and that we crashed pretty much as soon as we got the boys to bed. But we will have these pictures that help us remember our life. Right now. Isn't that what pictures are all about? Yep, it was a hard day. But it was definitely worth it. And really, who can't handle a hard day once a year?



All pictures taken by Kalli, edited by me.


  1. Such adorable pictures! I love them. I'd love to get a price list from you. :) My e-mail is Hope Texas is going well!

  2. i say, why stress so much over the little things? why not capture the way they really are? after all they don't stay small for very long (even though i have tried to convince them they should ;)) your boys are precious!
